TD’s Friends of the Environment Foundation
According to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (TD FEF), it has a long history of supporting green spaces across the country. TD recently announced a special round of funding for next year’s 150th celebration in Canada with focus on revitalization, animation, and stewardship of public green spaces.
September, 19, 2016: Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest.
October 17, 2016: Applicants will be notified of decisions regarding the Expression of Interest. Successful applicants. will be invited to submit a Grant Application.
November 21, 2016: Deadline for submission of Grant Application.
February 2017: Applicants will be notified of grant decisions.
More information online in the FAQ. Applications must be completed online.
The Aviva Community Fund
Aviva Community Fund says that it helps people make positive change in their communities. For the last seven years, it has invested more than $6.5 million in project funding to charitable communities, with another $1 million for this year.
September 19, 2016: Submissions Open
October 6, 2016: Submissions Due
October 11, 2016: Voting Opens
October 28, 2016: Voting Closes
November 7, 2016: Finalists Announced
December 6, 2016: Winners Announced
More information regarding the grants, eligibility, submission guide, and more can be found on their website.